CrossPoint is an ten year old church plant that's striving to live in such a way as to reflect that we are: Authentic, Biblical and Contagious with our faith... but what does that mean? In short, that we endeavor to be real, with no pretense whatsoever, inwardly or outwardly; that we see the scripture as having ultimate authority in the things we believe and the way we live; and that we desire to be intentional about sharing our faith in Christ, both in our world and around the world.
We have 4 basic core values that drive the things we do, and the ways we do them.
They are:
1) Biblical Teaching - unfolding the ever true and ever relevant Word of God in practical and applicable ways.
2) Authentic Worship - coming before God corporately and transparently to worship Him with all that we are, and all that we have.
3) Life-changing Community Groups - where real body life, community and Bible study takes place.
4) Expanding God's kingdom -through evangelism, missions, ministry and church planting.